About Us
We are Matt and Laura and together we make Mala Wellness! We are based in Edmonton, AB.
We have found profound benefits from a variety of modalities that have led to deep learning and certification in yoga, breathwork and forest therapy. We are now passionate about spreading this healing to the collective!

Our Philosophy
Mala Wellness Collective was created to bring healing to the collective through a wide variety of modalities. We believe that healing begins at the individual; as we come back to a state of health and harmony this healing permeates out into the collective to the benefit of all beings.
Our approach is to consider wellness from a truly holistic perspective, recognizing the many aspects, both internal and external, that can affect our well-being.
We provide wellness services in a range of forms, knowing that everyone has a different path. We believe in finding what resonates with you; our guidance will allow you to discover the practices that ring true for you, removing the frustration to find practices that feel sustainable and enriching.
We are here to help you shift your physical and mental state, empowering you to return to your essential nature and realize how your own innate wisdom can guide you towards growth and transformation.
We have dedicated years of deep personal work, study and integration to build a toolbox of practices that we have found to be immensely helpful in moving into a state of harmony with the self and our place in the world.
We hope to share our knowledge and be of service by helping individuals optimize their health and increase connection with mind, body, spirit and nature - in turn raising the collective consciousness.
We would be honored to be a part of your journey.
We respectfully acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 territory, traditional lands of First Nations and Métis peoples
A portion of our proceeds go to local Indigenous and conservation groups

Laura McLaughlin
Forest Therapy & Yogay

Laura has been a certified Nature & Forest Therapy guide hosting forest walks since she completed her training through the ANFT in 2018. The deep connection with the forest and the natural world that has been cultivated through this time has played a major role in her own mental health and well-being, and she finds continuous inspiration in seeing others connect to the forest in this meaningful way during Forest Therapy sessions.
Laura has training in Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Ayurveda, Yoga Philosophy, Himalayan Kriya Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Nidra and Mudras. She is passionate about the full potential of yoga as a holistic science as a way to master our minds and our energy, and connect with our spiritual potential.
Laura has spent years learning from her mentor, teacher, and guru Master Teacher Meera Reid from the lineage of Anand Mehrotra, Sadhguru, and Sri M. She is honored to be a part of this golden chain of wisdom teachings.
A lifelong learner, Laura is currently completing her Masters of Counselling Psychology. When she isn’t studying, she spends her time in the forest, in her yoga practice, reading, and spending time with her dogs and loved ones.
“My guiding philosophy is to reconnect each person to their innate wisdom and empower them to do what feels right to them, while providing tools and techniques to reach a desired state. We each have the power to change our energy and our mindset and cultivate presence to live as our fullest expression. My intention is to create experiences that allow us to truly be in the moment and embody the feeling of life flowing through us as we are connected to mind, body, spirit and nature.”
Matt Wiebe
Yoga & Breathwork

Matt is a 200 Hour Sakalya Yoga Teacher (a Traditional Himalayan, Heart-Based Yoga from the Yog-Vedantic tradition), Oxygen Advantage® Advanced Instructor (a breathwork modality focused on breathing function and efficiency, and breathing for improved day to day and athletic performance), and SOMA Breath® Instructor (a system of yogic breathwork techniques, including the ancient, consciousness altering yogic breathwork practice (Nishessha Rechaka Kumbhaka) alongside special rhythmic brainwave music made to deepen the experience).
Using his experiential knowledge base from a unique combination of Yoga and Breathwork modalities, he will teach you practices that cultivate an experience of health, wholeness, love and connection, so you can become the best version of yourself.
Join Matt on our collective journey of personal growth and discovery through the power of the breath and the system of human evolution that is Yoga.