Our signature, transformative Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Program. Through regular check ins and a high level of education and support, these programs use accountability to create momentum, propeling you to your health and wellness goals!
The One Month Program Includes:
Initial Visit
Through in-depth conversation, we will review your past and current diet and lifestyle habits, and will start to explore the aspects of holistic nutrition that promote lasting health and longevity. Discussing your goals and intentions, we will determine where focus is needed to provide a customized nutritional strategy.
Two Follow Up Sessions
We will go over a consultation package that has been lovingly constructed just for you, containing recommendations, strategies, resources and inspiration to take the frustration out of incorporating whole food nutrition and holistic health practices. We will bring awareness to what hinders your progress and, more importantly, what brings you success.
One Bi-Weekly Progress Check-In
Between monthly follow up sessions, we will have a short sharing session to go over what information and strategies are working for you, what doesn't resonate, and what is realistic and sustainable for you. We will also track your progress through the reevaluation of your assessment forms.
Mala Educational Resource Guide
This 99-page educational resource guide contains a wealth of information not only on nutrition, but on all the Elements of Wellness. Includes recipes too!
Ingredient Awareness Session
A session with Matt to go over reading food labels, what ingredients to look for in processed food products, including example products, what kind of ingredients and food products to steer clear from and assessing ingredients in your commonly consumed food products found in your kitchen.
Holistic Self-Reflection Worksheet
Use this is to take a deep inquiry into your fundamental beliefs surrounding your nutrition and health, and the way you choose to live your life. Reflection is the first step in accomplishing your dreams, goals and objectives - health related and beyond.
Painting A Nutritional Picture Document
Learn why many nutrition recommendations are misguided, concepts to simplify eating for health, how to tune in to your own state of health, the importance of animal foods, why change is challenging and a holistic view of ultra-processed foods
Therapeutic Breathwork Document
The science and importance of healthy breathing, how breathing becomes dysfunctional and what healthy breathing looks like. Techniques and exercises for energy, fatigue, detoxification, longevity, relaxation, resilience and performance (daily, physical, mental, emotional).
And more!
After purchasing the program you can book your first session here
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